
April 20, 2020

What is the rank of India in world tourism?

india rank in world toursim,,

India positioned 34th on world travel, the travel industry intensity record: Report. India has climbed six spots to rank 34th on world travel and the travel industry intensity file, driven by rich characteristic and social assets and solid value seriousness, a WEF report said on Wednesda,                                                   

 tourism, India has climbed six spots to rank 34th on world travel and the travel industry seriousness record, driven by rich characteristic and social assets and solid value intensity, a WEF report said on Wednesday. 

India's positioning improved from 40th to 34th, the best improvement more than 2017 among the main 25 percent of all nations positioned in the report. "India, which represents most of South Asia's T&T (travel and the travel industry) GDP, remains the sub-area's most serious T&T economy, climbing six spots to rank 34th universally," the report said. 

According to the report, China, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and India - which are not high-salary economies but rather rank in the main 35 in the general rundown - hang out in the Cultural Resources and Business Travel Pillar through their mix of rich regular and social assets and solid value seriousness. 

"India indicated the best rate improvement to its general Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) score, which has helped it become the main lower-center salary nation in the best 35," the report said and praised its characteristic and social resources and value seriousness. 

From a sub-territorial point of view, the country (India) has better air foundation (33rd) and ground and port framework (28th), global transparency (51st) and common (fourteenth) and social assets (eighth). 

April 19, 2020

Pakistan to Host the World Tourism Forum in 2020


world toursim forum

                       Pakistan is going to have the following version of the World Tourism Forum in May 2020 in Islamabad. This was reported by the Managing Director of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC), Syed Intikhab Alam on Tuesday. 

Alam, who was addressing an outside news outlet, said that the choice is planned for resuscitating the nation's travel industry office which was vigorously struck by the militancy and brutality post 9/11 assaults in the US. 

pakistan toursim forum

         PM Imran Khan's vision. 

Alam trusted that the travel industry discussion will help reintroduce the picturesque scenes and the characteristic magnificence of Pakistan to the world. 

"We are putting forth a valiant effort to pitch Pakistan as a standout amongst other the travel industry puts on earth to remote sightseers." 

Coordinators of the gathering are meeting at the parts of the bargains to finish the subtleties of this occasion, including that the remote representatives and experts will go to the gathering. 

He said that the legislature had set up a blessing store with seed cash of Rs. 1 billion to investigate and grow new places of interest for nearby explorers. 

Alam referenced that the new visa system is getting very positive criticism and has pulled in about 2.5 million remote voyagers in the course of the most recent year.We are planning on to double the number in the next three years.

He regretted that despite having enormous potential, the tourism sector only contributes one percent to the country’s GDP.

“We are struggling to increase the contribution of travel and tourism to our GDP, and for that, we are trying to explore all avenues, including religious tourism for Sikhs, Christians, and Buddhists,” Alam added

What does the Tourism 2020 Vision predict?


Tourism 2020 Vision 

The Tourism 2020 Vision gauges show that worldwide vacationer appearances are required to reach over 1.56 billion continuously 2020. This exhibits a yearly development pace of 4.1 percent over the period 1995-2020. Long stretch travel worldwide will become quicker than intraregional travel.  What is Tourism Vision 2020?     

toursim vision in 2020 .    To improve occupations of the individuals the nation over by creating incorporated the travel industry foundation, expanding the travel industry exercises. furthermore, items, producing work in the rustic zones upgrading comprehensiveness of ladies and other denied networks, and. 

How much is the tourism industry worth?   

The worldwide travel and the travel industry was esteemed at USD 7,581 Billion out of 2014 (10.0% of GDP) and was estimated to develop by 3.8% in 2015. The worldwide the travel industry is additionally imagined to observe a year-on-year (Y-O-Y) development pace of 3.9% and reach USD 11,382 Billion (10.6% of GDP) by 2025.Sep 17, 2019 


What is the projection for international visitor arrivals by 2030?


               Global vacationer appearances are figure to arrive at 1.8 billion by 2030 as per the recently discharged UNWTO long haul estimate, Tourism Towards 2030.Oct 11, 2011

April 18, 2020




The episode of Coronavirus COVID-19 presents the travel industry part with a significant and developing test.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 

has fortified its coordinated effort with the World Health Organization (WHO). The two UN organizations met in Geneva to additionally propel a planned reaction to COVID-19. 

UNWTO calls for strong universal authority and for the travel industry to be incorporated as a need in future recuperation endeavors.UNWTO additionally calls upon the part and explorers to address this test with sound judgment and proportionate measures.

The travel industry is at present one of the most influenced divisions and UNWTO has reconsidered its 2020 gauge for universal appearances and receipts, however, accentuates that such forecasts are probably going to be additionally updated.

Against a setting of movement limitations being presented, UNWTO underscores the significance of global exchange and participation and stresses the COVID-19 test additionally speaks to a chance to show how solidarity can go past fringes. 

The travel industry segment, similar to no other financial movement with social effect, depends on communication among individuals. UNWTO has been directing the travel industry segment's reaction on a few levels:                     
The tourism sector is currently one of the hardest-hit by the outbreak of COVID-19, with impacts on both travel supply and demand. This represents an added downside risk in the context of a weaker world economy, geopolitical, social and trade tensions, as well as uneven performance among major outbound travel markets.

Considering the evolving nature of the situation, it is too early to estimate the full impact of the COVID-19 on international tourism. For its initial assessment, UNWTO takes the SARS scenario of 2003 as a benchmark, factoring in the size and dynamics of global travel and current disruptions, the geographic spread of COVID-19 and its potential economic impact

April 15, 2020

Do You Need Proof of Onward Travel ?

Affiliate Programs,Communication,Travel & Tourism
“Do you have proof of onward travel?”, the dreaded question from airline check-in personnel.You arrive at the airport, armed with bags, passport and your one-way ticket, ready for a big adventure exploring your next new destination. And this question pops up at check-in. Most round the world travelers and digital nomads have faced this question at one time or another, and if you aren’t prepared for it, it can ruin your trip before it even gets started.
Why do you need proof of onward travel?
People are denied entry into countries all the time. Visa problems, not meeting certain financial requirements, or previous criminal activity are just a few of the reasons. So is a suspicion that a traveler is planning to move permanently to the new place without the necessary approvals.
When a person is denied entry at immigration, it becomes the airline’s responsibility to return their passenger to their previous destination. For this reason, while the rules regarding entry are set up by a country’s government, in most cases the airlines are the ones that are checking and policing the policy.
If you travel on a round trip ticket, as most people do, that ticket is essentially your proof that you are planning on leaving the country you are visiting. A one way ticket, however, will often prompt the airline worker to ask for your proof of onward travel before you even get on the plane. And if you don’t have it, they can refuse to let you board the flight.
So, what are your options for proof of onward travel if you have a one-way ticket into another country? Buy a cheap throwaway ticket Low-cost airlines can offer fares so low that can be worth it to purchase a ticket that you don’t plan on ever using. Budget airlines are notorious for charging you for every add-on: You have luggage? That’ll be extra. You want a seat assignment? Extra! But if you’re only using the ticket for proof of onward travel you don’t need any of these extras and you can score a deal. Use a service Onward Ticket Visa ( ) provides you with legitimate and confirmed onward ticket from their website or app. The onward ticket has PNR (booking reference) with your name, and the ticket is good for 48 hours. One nice feature of this service is that they advertise that you will receive your ticket within two minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They charge $9 .00 for each ticket.
Mock up a fake ticket First of all, we are NOT recommending that anyone attempt to defraud an airline or immigration service. That said, our research has shown that a lot of travelers use variations of this method. Some people we talked to use an old ticket, and change the dates and departure using photoshop.
Others have faked an email from a travel agent, mocking up an itinerary. Travel blogger Wandering Earl even provides a how-to article on mocking up a ticket on his blog.
In preparation for this article, we reached out to a number of travel communities to see if anyone had actually been caught with a fake ticket, and couldn’t find a single person who had. So, the risk seems low, but I’m not sure this option is worth it.
Also, keep in mind that particularly suspicious airline personnel can look up your reservation number and flight on their own system while you wait.
Pros: Perfect for do-it-yourselfers, and won’t cost you anything
Cons: Technically, you are lying to airport personnel or an immigration officer. If you get caught – fines, deportation, prison time?
Purchase a round trip ticket Airline pricing is a very strange beast. Rarely is a round trip ticket twice the cost of a one-way ticket. We’ve even seen one way fares that are basically the same as the round trip. So, if you can find a cheap return fare (look for terrible/unpopular flight times or multiple stops on the return and you’ll probably get a deal). It might be worth it to purchase it since you’re not planning on using anyway.
Pros: You won’t even be asked the dreaded question
Cons: You’ll probably pay more than you would for a one-way ticket
Plan ahead and buy a real ticket
Of course, this is what most airlines and governments expect – full-time travelers or digital nomads aren’t the norm, and they expect vacationers and business travelers to always book a round trip or onward ticket. If you’re planning a couple of months in advance, you can already know your next destination and book a real ticket, that you’re planning on using.
We have our next destination planned about half of the time, and it certainly makes things easier. Just make sure to have a hard copy or a pdf of your ticket on your phone available if asked.
Shell out for a fully refundable ticket A full fair ticket is usually refundable, though you might want to check the fine print on the specific airline you’re doing this with to be sure you don’t get stuck paying some nonrefundable tax or fee. It also might take time to get the money back, so if you’re short on cash it might not be an option.
In the U.S., the Dept. of Transportation requires all carriers for flights booked in the USA to be cancelled within 24 hours. Most airlines offer this cancellation as an option, with the exception of American Airlines, which instead allows you to “hold” a reservation for 24 hours without a purchase.
Make sure to read the fine print when using this option. It doesn’t apply to tickets not purchased in the USA, and the terms may be different if the actual flight is on a partner airline rather than the airline site you are booking on.
What’s the best option? That’s really up to you, and your level of comfort with risk. After trying many of these over the years, and looking into the options further for this post, I think some of the services that allow you to “rent” a ticket are our best bet. Ten bucks is a small price to pay to not worry, and to not have to do battle with the airlines trying to get your money refunded.

Related Articles - onward ticket visaonwardticket,

affiliate programs

Afiliate programs

7 Benefits Of Dropshipping....Dropshipping is a great business model for aspiring entrepreneurs to start with because it’s accessible. With dropshipping, you can quickly test different business ideas with limited downside, which lets you learn a lot about how to choose and market in-demand products. Here are a few other reasons why dropshipping is such a popular model.

1. Less capital is required Probably the biggest advantage to dropshipping is that it’s possible to launch an ecommerce store without having to invest thousands of dollars in inventory up front. Traditionally, retailers have had to tie up huge amounts of capital purchasing inventory.
With the dropshipping model, you don’t have to purchase a product unless you’ve already made the sale and have been paid by the customer. Without significant up-front inventory investments, it’s possible to start sourcing products and launch a successful dropshipping business with very little money. And because you’re not committed to selling-through any inventory purchased up front, like in a traditional retail business, there’s less risk involved in starting a dropshipping store.
2. Easy to get started Running an ecommerce business is much easier when you don’t have to deal with physical products. With dropshipping, you don’t have to worry about: managing or paying for a warehouse, packing and shipping your orders, tracking inventory for accounting reasons, handling returns and inbound shipments and continually ordering products and managing stock level
3. Low overhead Because you don’t have to deal with purchasing inventory or managing a warehouse, your overhead expenses are quite low. In fact, many successful dropshipping stores are run as home-based businesses, requiring little more than a laptop and a few recurring expenses to operate. As you grow, these costs will likely increase but will still be low compared to those of traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.
4. Flexible location A dropshipping business can be run from just about anywhere with an internet connection. As long as you can communicate with suppliers and customers easily, you can run and manage your business.
5. Wide selection of products to sell Since you don’t have to pre-purchase the items you sell, you can offer an array of trending products to your potential customers. If suppliers stock an item, you can list it for sale on your online store at no additional cost.
6. Easier to test dropshipping is a useful fulfillment method for both launching a new store and for business owners looking to test the appetite customers have for additional product categories, e.g., accessories or wholly new product lines. The main benefit of dropshipping is, again, the ability to list and potentially sell products before committing to buying a large amount of inventory.
7. Easier to scale With a traditional retail business, if you receive three times the number of orders, you’ll usually need to do three times as much work. By leveraging dropshipping suppliers, most of the work to process additional orders will be borne by the suppliers, allowing you to expand with fewer growing pains and less incremental work.

April 14, 2020

The Difference Between a Business Coach, a Mentor & a Consultant


Whether you want to expand your small business to another country, kick start your career as an entrepreneur or hone your marketing skills, you may be looking for some outside support.  If you look at top business achievers, you will find one common denominator: They didn’t do it all alone.
High performing entrepreneurs and small business owners know that if they want to truly excel, they need guidance and support. But what’s best for your professional development? A coach? A mentor? A consultant? How do you even begin to choose!
Let’s look more closely at your professional development options:
1. Working with a mentor. You’re getting someone who’s already walked in your shoes. They are experienced in your field and can help fast-track you along your growth path. They can offer guidance, friendship and support; there is usually a level of personal connection as they serve as a role model to help an individual reach their potential.
This can be super valuable, because it saves you from having to go through a steep learning curve and make a bunch of mistakes along the way.
Some of the advantages include:
Getting an outside perspective. Often we are too close and emotionally tied to our business to see what’s truly happening. It can be beneficial to get a bird’s-eye view of your situation. Often, we’re too in love with our work to really know about areas that need a little work. Your mentor will probe to uncover some problem issues that may not be instantly apparent to you.
Enabling you to reach higher. Sometimes we do things for other people that we wouldn’t do for ourselves. When you have the accountability of a mentor, you may push harder to reach your goals. Because you know that you have to report your results during your mentorship, it can make you go the extra mile.
Gaining business experience.  Even if you have years of corporate experience, running your own business is a new challenge. You probably know a lot about your industry, but you may not know enough about running and growing a business.
When you hire someone with experience in creating systems, marketing, delegating and growing a business, it helps you avoid costly mistakes and grow farther, faster. And they often have proven blueprints and templates to boost your results.
Being your cheerleader. You probably know that being a business owner can be a roller coaster! Some days you’re on top of the world, and other days you doubt yourself. Maybe you wonder if you should throw in the towel because everything seems to be going wrong. A mentorship can help you stay positive and motivated, so you can keep your business moving forward.
2. Working with a coach. A coach takes a slightly different approach. He or she serves as an expert guiding you in a very specific area of performance. If you Google “coach” you’ll see results for performance, marketing, financial support, sales, business growth, social media support and more.
A business coach is trained to help you figure out your roadblocks, holds you accountable for your business success and shares their tried-and-true experiences and processes to help you get ahead in your business.
However, it’s important to note that many coaches are self-appointed experts. They may present themselves as highly successful and knowledgeable, but many could just be one step ahead of you. While they may “talk the talk”, you don’t really know if they have the skills or experience to help you succeed.
One of our clients offers Leadership Coaching to uncover people’s hidden and natural talents and assess individual skills, capabilities, and/or behaviors that impact them positively and negatively. This helps her clients understand the actions they need to take to move in the right direction to get what they want.
Working with a business coach can help you in many of the same ways a mentorship can, but they’re less of a “friend” and more of a “guide.”
• Hear more objective opinions • Increase your networking opportunities.  • Lead more strategically • Develop your personality and leadership style • Better understand yourself
Read: 30 Things Business & Marketing Coaches Wish Entrepreneurs Would Stop Doing, on our website
From the economy to the weather, struggling entrepreneurs have all sorts of reasons why their product or service isn’t selling. But have you ever considered that you might be doing things all wrong and that’s why you’re not reaching the success you’d like to see?
Here are some  valuable insights from 30 successful business coaches. They’ve observed what frustrates them to no end, and these are the things that could very well be thwarting your own success!
3. Working with a consultant. A consultant is often an expert in their field, and provides you with advice. While they may sound similar to a mentor or a coach, consultants don’t work with you to improve your skills or guide you in your professional development. They usually work within your defined metrics and deliverables.
When you work with a consultant, you’re getting valuable advice from someone with niche experience and industry understanding. While a business coach or a mentor will encourage you to do your best, a consultant will focus on identifying what you need to do to accomplish your goals. 
The most common consulting methods are:
• Strategic Advice: When a business has specific problems, a consultant can create a strategy to solve them.  • Done-For-You Service: Some consultants have a team to support them, so this option makes sense if a small business requires a solution they aren’t skilled in implementing.  • One-Time Training: Say your management team hasn’t been meeting a certain objective. A consultant could offer them training to help them get back on track. • Ongoing Coaching: You can’t expect amazing results by meeting with a consultant once for four hours. Many small businesses will work with a consultant over months or years on things like a marketing plan or expanding the company globally.
Your unique needs will determine whether you need a mentor, coach or consultant to enhance your professional development. But each one has the power to prevent you from making bad decisions that will leave you in financial distress and conducting self-sabotage to your own success, whether you realize you are doing it or not!
I’d love to provide you with the empowered support you need to grow your business. As your mentor, we’ll look at what’s working, what’s not, and create a professional development plan to move you forward.

April 13, 2020

Canada: A worldwide Leader for international students


Everyone dreams to have good exposure in their life for career advancement. And your every dream comes true here with Canadian universities. Around 1,30,000 students from all parts of the world enroll every year in some of the best universities in this country for higher in Canada for international students depends upon the various category of your levels and qualification. Although Canada is located in the north part of the USA, people from most of the countries possess a little knowledge about Canadian universities and colleges. But we can not discard some of the world-leading universities of Canada which contribute to the best teaching and learning process, research and cultural development.There are 92 universities and 175 Community colleges in the country such as the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McGill University and the University of British Columbia. These Canadian universities have raised the standard of higher education by creating a sense of competitiveness among the higher educational institutes. Higher study in Canada is considered comparatively peaceful, orderly and secure. Here crime activities and other firearms are strictly controlled and primarily prohibited by the authority.
One of the specialties of Canadian universities and institutions is that the entire diploma and degree certificates are equivalent to the certificates of the USA, UK and also recognized all over the world. The employment opportunity in Canada is also good. A foreign student can be able to find a part-time job in the Canadian job market while studying. The work experience at the time of study has become an essential part of the curriculum in all Canadian universities.
The cost of living and tuition fees are less than American colleges and universities. The average cost charged by the Canadian universities for a foreign student in an undergraduate program is C$12,000-15,000 per one school year that is 8 months. For foreign students, the tuition fee is higher than the residents of Canada. But if a student has dual citizenship of the USA and France, he can get a bargain. He could be able to study in a premier institution like McGill University at the same tuition fee level as Quebec residents at only C$4,000 per year excluding living expenses.
It is a fact that an international student needs a student visa to study abroad. For a student visa Canada, the embassy requires related documents like the country of your origin, the type and length of your course, etc. To continue your study in Canada, you need a temporary student visa and study permit. Those who are Quebec-bound students, they need to produce a CAQ or Quebec Application Certificate. For any course which is six months or less, a study permit is not necessary. But if you have opted for a 6-month or less duration course and want to continue with another program, you have to apply for a study permit. After getting a valid study permit, you can continue your studies or have to leave Canada.
A student scholarship abroad can immensely reduce the cost of tuition fee and Canadian universities are not an exception. A student can get an academic scholarship if he has scored around 90% to 95% marks. Based on some criteria such as community involvement, leadership qualities, and innovative skills, a student can also get a merit scholarship. In addition, students get an exciting experience at Canadian universities that they can never forget in their life.CANADA.

Canada : Get To Know Your Dream Destination


Canada has become an increasingly attractive study destination for international students. In the last 10 years, the number of foreign students has doubled, making Canada one of the most popular destinations among international students in the world. Education institutions and the different levels of government are now working closely to help overseas students with Canadian credentials apply for permanent residency in Canada if they wish to do so. Talking about Scholarship for Nepalese students in Canada can be focused on students level of education and qualification. Canada has a wide variety of Universities and Colleges you can choose from. For most students, tuition prices are a primary influence on which college they choose. For many others, location and climate may be the primary factors. Lastly, standing and prestige are often the main criteria pupils use to narrow down their school choices.Canadian Faculties will offer very similar varieties of classes and degree programs. Since all Universities and Colleges in Canada are licensed by the very same committees, you may rest assured that there is no extreme difference in the level of instruction you'll receive from one school in contrast to another. Some Universities have more private financing than others which affects the quantity and prestige of human study projects throughout the numerous fields of study. On the other hand, the academic aspect of each University receives similar funding and so, the standard of education and training does not change by much during the Colleges in Canada.Applying to Your School of Choice: as soon as you've chosen the school you wish to study in, be sure to look at their list of important dates for application deadline. Most Universities offer online applications nevertheless some need a hard-copy program to be sent in along with any required documents. Make sure you submit your application and documents considering any time that your application bundle may take in the email or via courier for your college. It is often a fantastic idea to apply to more colleges just in case registration limits are reached at your first-choice faculty. Once this is complete, you may want to start gathering the files listed in the following section. While approval is the main requirement for applying to study in Canada, the other required documents could be accumulated and prepared beforehand. Once your letter of approval arrives you only need to generate a copy and pack it in with the rest of your files for an entry.Your University application will contain information on where and how you are able to conduct this examination. Study Permits: To study in Canada, you might need the appropriate permits. Not all students require these documents nevertheless so check with your country's Visa office for precise requirements. To Be Able to apply for a study permit, you need the following:Letter of Acceptance in the University, College, or other accredited educational institution Evidence of Identity document(s) - valid passport or travel document for you and each family member accompanying you Proof of financial aid - proof of Canadian bank accounts in your name, bank statements for the past 4 months, a letter from the institution providing your financial aid, proof of payment of tuition charges List of Explanation - if you are applying for a short-term course and wish to continue studies then, or if you will be functioning in between academic applications, you will need to submit a letter describing your circumstances Be sure to check the processing times for Student License applications on the Canadian Government Site. Submit your application early and with lots of time to spare before your academic program starts.Temporary Resident Visa: Some pupils may need a Temporary Resident Visa so as to study in Canada depending on their state of source. If you're applying for a Study Permit you could also apply for this Visa simultaneously without paying another program fee. If however you do not need a Study Permit but do require a Temporary Resident Visa there will be an application fee. In most countries, there will be a Visa office where all of these applications and forms may be filled out and fees paid.CANADA;


April 6, 2020

Why Germany have low rate of coronavirus death

(Why Germany have low rate on Coronavirus) 

The novel corona virus can be transmitted from person to person. The disease that triggers it can lead to a severe course with breathing problems and pneumonia. What are corona viruses and where do they come from? How long is the incubation period and do you become immune after an infection? The most important information about the corona virus can be found here.
Are you immune after being infected with the corona virus or can you become infected again? 
Sufferers form antibodies, according to the first studies probably also patients with a Covid-19 infection. Last but not least, experience with other corona viruses speak for this. It is not yet clear how long this immunity will last. A period of several years has been found for earlier corona viruses. The working hypothesis of the virologist Christian Drosten from the Charité in Berlin is therefore: Immunity should have persisted after an infection has been overcome, at least for the duration of the pandemic, and probably even further. Anyone who has ever been ill is no longer at risk.Germany have very low rate of death. 

April 5, 2020


(Germany health and care system) 

With the new regulatory requirements, the complexity for medical technology companies increases: After the publication of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which will come into force on May 26, 2020, additional requirements have been imposed by German legislation (Medical Device Adaptation Act (MPAnpG-EU) and Medical Device Implementation Act ( MDG) presented.
Don't consider these challenges as a disadvantage. Finally, the requirements for software development in medical technology are now becoming clearer and the necessary steps are becoming more visible. Our certified experts will support you in this way. Due to the high quality of our software throughout the regulated development process, we guarantee the highest level of safety for your patients.A situation like this would be unlikely in the United States. Americans might not get through to a doctor at all, let alone have a discussion about whether the physician should make a house call in the middle of the night to treat a case of flu.
The Patients' Perspective
Sabina and Jan Casagrandes say they've had really good care from the German health system. And they've used it a lot.
Sabina is American, Jan is German. They live in a fourth-floor walkup with their two little girls in Cologne, an ancient city on the Rhine in western Germany.
"I've probably been very expensive for the health insurance system here," Sabina says. "When I was 33 years old, I had a giant lump on my neck all of a sudden, where your thyroid is. And it was a big tumor."
It took two operations to remove her cancer. Luckily it was curable with surgery and radiation. Sabina says she had the best care she could imagine.
"Then I came home to my little daughter, who I couldn't really lift up because of my neck having been cut open," Sabina says. "So I asked my doctor, 'What can I do?' And she said, 'Well, your health insurance will pay for someone to come help you in the house.'"
Sabina's health insurer paid a friend to shop, cook and even help care for the baby until Sabina was back on her feet. That's not unusual in Germany. In fact, under the country's system for long-term care, family members can choose to be paid for taking care of a frail elder at home if they want to avoid nursing home care.
Coverage For All
The health care system that took such good care of Sabina is not funded by government taxes. But it is compulsory. All German workers pay about 8 percent of their gross income to a nonprofit insurance company called a sickness fund. Their employers pay about the same amount. Workers can choose among 240 sickness funds.
Basing premiums on a percentage-of-salary means that the less people make, the less they have to pay. The more money they make, the more they pay. This principle is at the heart of the system. Germans call it "solidarity." The idea is that everybody's in it together, and nobody should be without health insurance.
"If I don't make a lot of money, I don't have to pay a lot of money for health insurance," Sabina says. "But I have the same access to health care that someone who makes more money has."
But she acknowledges that nearly 8 percent of her salary is a sizable bite.
"Yes, it's expensive. You know, it's a big chunk of your monthly income," Sabina says. "But considering what you can get for it, it's worth it."
Actually, it's about the same proportion of income that American workers pay, on average, if they get their health insurance through their job. The big difference is that U.S. employers pay far more, on average, than German employers do — 18 percent of each employee's gross income versus around 8 percent in Germany.
More Added Benefits In Germany
Moreover, German health insurance has more generous benefits than U.S. policies cover. There are never any deductibles, for instance, before coverage kicks in. And all Germans get the same coverage.
For instance, the Casagrandes' insurance covers an expensive medicine Jan needs for a chronic intestinal problem. He says if they moved to America, they might not be able to buy insurance at all because of their pre-existing conditions — a nonproblem in Germany.
"He says for himself — or for us — the health care system in the United States is the major reason why we have never moved there, and never will move there. Because both of us have chronic illnesses that have to have a lot of medical attention, and we would go broke," Sabina says, translating for Jan.
Jan adds something else. "It's also the No. 1 reason in the United States that people personally go bankrupt," Sabina translates, "which would never happen here ... never!"
Coverage For The Family
On the other side of Germany, in Berlin, we meet another couple who know both the American and German health systems.
Nicole and Chris Ertl own Tip Toe Shoes, a children's shoe shop in a well-off area of the German capital. The Ertls sell high-quality European shoes — tiny Italian sandals, French and Danish boots and clogs in wonderful colors.
Chris is from San Diego, Nicole is German. She also works part time as a physician therapist and gets her health care through her job like the great majority of Germans. Like the Casagrandes, she's happy with her coverage.
"It's a good deal!" she says. "It's really good because it's a package."
It's a package many Americans might envy. Nicole pays a premium of $270 a month for insurance that covers her children, too. Nicole pays a single $15 copayment once every three months to see her primary-care doctor — and another $15 a quarter to see each specialist, as often as she wants. She pays no copayments for her children's care ---and her insurance even covers her daughter's orthodontia bill.
"They always have good care," Nicole says, "because for kids, everything is free. The drugs, it's always free" until they turn 18.
Different Rules For The Self-Employed
But even though her insurance covers the kids, it doesn't cover her husband. Because Chris Ertl is self-employed, he has to buy insurance on his own, from a for-profit insurance company.
About one in 10 Germans buy this so-called "private" coverage. It's not just for people who are self-employed. Civil servants and anyone who makes more than $72,000 a year can opt out of the main system. It's a kind of safety valve for people who want more and can pay for it.
But most people don't opt out. Chris says that's because there's a fundamental difference in the way Germans view health care and the government's role — which, in Germany, means refereeing the system and making sure it's fair and affordable.
"The general opinion in Germany is always that the government will do it for us, everything will be OK," Chris says. "In the States, I think you grow up knowing that no one's going to help you do anything. If you want health care, go get it."
It's important to remember that the German government doesn't provide health care or finance it directly. It does regulate insurance companies closely — the nonprofits in the main system and the for-profits where Chris gets his coverage. So Chris' insurer can't raise his rates if he gets sick or jack up his premiums too much as he gets older. The government also requires insurers to keep costs down so things don't get too expensive.
"Where am I better off medically?" Chris says. "I would probably say Germany."
In some ways, Chis Ertl's coverage is better than his wife's. He gets his choice of top doctors — the chief of medicine, if he wants. If he goes into the hospital, he gets a private room. When he goes to the doctor, he gets a free cup of coffee and goes to the head of the line. All this embarrasses him — and annoys Nicole.
"When he goes to the doctor, he has a lot more service," she complains.
Germans really hate any hint of unfairness in health care. The fundamental idea is that everybody must be covered and, preferably, everybody should get equal treatment. So the fact that 10 percent or so can buy some perks is an irritant — something Germans complain about but manage to put up with.
But it's unthinkable that 48 million people wouldn't have health insurance at all — the situation in America. As an American, Chris thinks that's shameful. "It's terrible," he says. "It's unbelievable. It shouldn't happen."
Germans, he says, would never tolerate that. And their system has been working pretty well for 125 years.


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