
April 6, 2020

Why Germany have low rate of coronavirus death

(Why Germany have low rate on Coronavirus) 

The novel corona virus can be transmitted from person to person. The disease that triggers it can lead to a severe course with breathing problems and pneumonia. What are corona viruses and where do they come from? How long is the incubation period and do you become immune after an infection? The most important information about the corona virus can be found here.
Are you immune after being infected with the corona virus or can you become infected again? 
Sufferers form antibodies, according to the first studies probably also patients with a Covid-19 infection. Last but not least, experience with other corona viruses speak for this. It is not yet clear how long this immunity will last. A period of several years has been found for earlier corona viruses. The working hypothesis of the virologist Christian Drosten from the Charité in Berlin is therefore: Immunity should have persisted after an infection has been overcome, at least for the duration of the pandemic, and probably even further. Anyone who has ever been ill is no longer at risk.Germany have very low rate of death. 

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